Friday, July 6, 2012

More Patriotic Fruit!

I know the 4th of July is technically over, but just in case you have a festive celebration for the upcoming weekend, here's another patriotic presentation for you fruit.

(Due to the excitement of getting the KEYS to OUR NEW HOUSE - pics soon - some credit has to be given to my wonderful mom for getting this all together in a timely fashion!)

What You Need: (from Party City via Pinterest)

a 9 x 13 (or other rectangleish - except I used a circle tray to leave extra room for the grapes) tray
(I also added grapes so there was a bit more fruit to choose from but not part of the original 'design')

I sort of figured out beforehand how many skewers I would need, how many blueberries there would be per skewer, how many strawberries, and how many blueberries, etc...  It's a loose formula.   I figured about 10 skewers total, 5 with blueberries on the first half for the 'stars', then the rest alternating strawberries and bananas for the 'stripes.'

You can prep the blueberries and strawberries ahead of time, but to prevent browning, the bananas really have to be sliced right before serving.  (If you want to avoid that hassle, marshmallows would make a good white alternative.)

Grapes were added to ours for a few more fruity options.  We love fruit!

When done, enjoy some fun and festive finger food!

Happy (late) 4th!

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