Monday, July 2, 2012

Grilled Brussels Sprouts

I pinned this recipe a few weeks ago then ran out of time to cook it before losing access to our grill.  Fortunately, my mom was ready and willing to try it out when we had dinner at my parents' house!

Even more fortunately (for me - not so much for her), this recipe turned out to be a bit more work than I had realized after having just looked at the picture.  (I know better than this by now; I just don't always remember!)  Despite the extra work, she kept at it like a champ.  And I did help out with the later steps in the process (making the sauce and skewering the brussels sprouts).

Recipe: (from via Pinterest) (also, we doubled the recipe)
1 pound brussels sprouts
2 tablespoons whole grain mustard (we just used regular mustard, organic, from Trader Joe's)
2 tablespoons olive oil
salt and pepper to taste

equipment needed: wooden skewers (soak first!) and grill or grill pan

Bring a large pot of water to a boil.  Blanch the brussels sprouts (cook them in the boiling water) for 3-4 minutes.   Remove sprouts from boiling water and rinse with cold water (or plunge into an ice bath).

Remove sprouts from cold water and pat dry.  Trim the bottom from the sprouts and remove the outer leaves (this part was a pain according to my mom).

Mix together the mustard, olive oil, salt, and pepper in a small bowl.

Toss  the brussels sprouts in the mustard sauce.  Allow to marinate for 30 minutes.

Once sprouts have marinated, prepare them for grilling.  Skewer sprouts, placing 3-4 sprouts per skewer (I put more like 6-7 per skewer).

Note: Since the sprouts aren't cooked all the way yet, they are a bit tough to skewer.  This is so true.  Ouch.  My forearms are a bit sore after all that skewering.

When the grill is nice and hot, place the skewers on the grill.  Grill for 3-5 minutes per side, or until the sprouts are nicely charred.

Enjoy immediately!

Excellent!  We all enjoyed these.  I don't even like mustard, but the mustard sauce was an excellent complement to the brussels sprouts.  They were so good that we actually ate leftover brussels sprouts as a snack.  Addicting I'm telling you.

I'm not entirely sure that the 3-5 minutes per side was quite enough, so I'd plan for a bit more cooking time than that.

And to make it easier, in the future I may skip the skewering and just grill in a grilling basket.  The presentation might not be as pretty....  But those suckers were tough to skewer!

All in all, a wonderful family meal!

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