Sunday, October 21, 2012

19 Weeks

Sunday, October 21, 2012
How far along? 19 weeks
 Due Date: March 17th
Total weight gain: Up ½ pound this week for a total gain of about 9 pounds.
I know I still have a long way to go, and, if you have had a baby, feel free to laugh at this next statement.  But I already feel like I’ve gotten so much bigger, and I look at the space that is still left in my maternity pants and think, “No way can my body actually grow that much more….”  (I clearly have a lot to learn about this process.)

Maternity clothes? Clothes limbo still. Most regular pants are uncomfortable.  I still wear a few pairs though.  I’ve started wearing maternity pants a bit, but they are too big.  I’m practically walking out of the jeans by the end of the day.  And I have nowhere near enough belly to fill in that stretchy panel, so I fold it over, but then when I sit it gets saggy and…. Seriously, I’ve never wanted my stomach to just expand already so much!  Leggings and dresses are still my best bet as far as fit is concerned.  Shirts are also a conundrum.  I need the maternity shirts length wise (to cover my attractive pants) but not width wise yet, so nothing really feels right…

Stretch marks? none yet

Sleep: Same

Best moment this week: Getting a haircut.  I know it’s a small thing, but I was a month overdue.  I feel like a new person. 

Miss Anything? You know the answer to this one by now…

What’s Baby Like? According to The Bump, Baby is now the size of a mango.  Baby is about 6.0 inches and 8.5 ounces.  Doesn’t seem like a whole lot new is going on this week except that he or she is now coated in vernix caseosa to protect from the amniotic fluid.

Movement: Still nothing.  Waiting impatiently.  I’ve heard from other moms that some didn’t feel their first baby until 22 weeks!

Food cravings: Nope.  I like food.  Same foods as always. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: No.

Gender: I’ve heard recently that ‘easy’ pregnancies indicate boys.  I have nothing to compare it too, and it’s still early, but if you ask me this is so far the easiest pregnancy in the history of pregnancies so….

Labor Signs: No.

Symptoms: Not really.  Itchy belly.  But I have some lotion that helps.  I think I just need to start using it morning and night.  No other aches or pains to speak of (despite the increasingly awful symptoms described on The Bump…).
Belly Button in or out? Most definitely in.

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy.  Until I’m not.  And then no one is happy.  It seems to be mostly indicative of being suddenly overwhelmed between school, and work, and baby, and house, and….  It comes on suddenly and goes away just as suddenly.
I also had one emotional cry today.  Very brief.  And for a good reason.  It was just weird because I haven’t felt over emotional very often during this pregnancy.

Looking forward to: Ultrasound appointment and celebrating my mom’s birthday this Wednesday!  If I can’t feel this baby move, it will at least be nice to see it.

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