Monday, October 15, 2012

18 Weeks

Sunday, October 14, 2012
How far along? 18 weeks

 Due Date: March 17th
Total weight gain: Up 2 pounds this week.  (Ummm… Yikes!)  For a total of +8.6 pounds.  Not that I’m worried about the weight gain or anything, but I’m hoping this doesn’t become a pattern.  I think we can thank/blame the weekend jaunt to Chicago and lots of sitting in the car…
I still don’t think I look “pregnant enough” for a stranger to say, “Look, there goes the pregnant lady.”  But I am apparently now pregnant enough for people who see me every day, but don’t already know that I’m pregnant, to put 1 + 1 together and get 2!  (And by “people,” I mean teenagers with impulse control issues.)  At 17 weeks and 1 day, students started to ask, shall we say, leading questions….  They didn’t want to come right out and ask the obvious, since that could be taken the wrong way.  But it was very cute, and most of them were very excited.  Except for the one boy, only focused on if it hurts.  ;-)  Cute in its own way.  Apparently, they had suspected for about a week but didn’t know how to ask, and the rumors were just flying around Facebook and school. Ahhh, the joys of pregnancy in 2012.

Maternity clothes? Still pretty much in clothes limbo.  Wearing a mix of regular pants with hair tie and maternity pants.  At the end of the day, regular pants are too tight and uncomfortable and maternity pants are practically falling off.  Awesome.  Leggings and dresses are still my best bet.  All regular shirts still fit (most maternity shirts are laughably big) as long as I wear a long tank under them to hide the awesome hair tie and/or elastic waist.

Stretch marks? none yet

Sleep: Same

Best moment this week: Visiting Uncle Greg in Chicago!  I thought Lucky might want to wiggle and say hello but no movement yet… The five hour drive wasn’t too bad. I only needed one bathroom/stretch break on the way there and none on the way back.

Miss Anything? Well Chicago in the fall with my family wasn’t really the same without a Sam Adams seasonal or two… And sparkling cider doesn’t exactly fit the replacement bill but… I’m surviving!

What’s Baby Like? According to The Bump, Baby is now the size of a sweet potato or a pint of Ben and Jerry’s (mmmm…. ice cream…).  Baby is about 5.6 inches and 6.7 ounces and apparently moving like crazy; although, you couldn’t prove that one by me.

Movement: Nothing yet.  Since I’m a first timer, my midwife says I will probably feel flutters around weeks 19 or 20.  It’s getting closer…

Food cravings: The desire for Mexican food hasn’t come back, so I think it’s safe to say that’s off the cravings list.  I pretty much just like all the foods I liked before. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: No.

Gender: We don’t plan to find out.

Labor Signs: No.

Symptoms: Two days last week my lower back was more sore than normal.  I think it was caused because my students were working on an essay in class, and I spent a lot of time bent over at the waist helping individual students with their writing.  I made a point of avoiding that position for the rest of the week and, so far, no more problems.  A slightly itchy belly in the evenings.  And a noticeable increase in appetite.  Nothing else.
Belly Button in or out? Most definitely in.

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Still overall happy.  But I HATE Thursdays.  Between work and class, it’s my 12-hour day, and I don’t have time to exercise or eat right.  I get home tired and feeling like crap, which makes me feel guilty because if I feel like crap, my baby must feel like crap…  And it’s not like I consider it all worth it because I’m doing something important or life changing or at all valid.  It’s a pointless class that is more work than I care for right now.  So I think Alex can pretty much count on a weekly Thursday night meltdown from now until my class ends (December).  Fun for him, right?  On the other hand, a good mood 6/7 days  of the week isn’t bad, pregnant or not.

Looking forward to: Ultrasound appointment on October 24th!  Can’t wait to see my baby.  And hopefully feel him or her soon. J

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