Monday, December 3, 2012

25 Weeks

Sunday, December 2, 2012
How far along? 25 weeks, and Holy Moly it’s December, which means it’s almost next year, which is 2013, which is the year this baby will be born… It all suddenly feels so close!
(no picture this week because Blogger is trying to RIP ME OFF.  JERKS.)
Due Date: March 17th
Total weight gain: Up 2 pounds this week… For a total of 17 pounds…  Oh boy…  It’s definitely due to my limited ability to work out thanks to school obligations, but at least I only have one more night class, so that will be one more free evening a week.

Maternity clothes? Yes.  And I think I need to do some more clothes gathering.  The non-maternity workout shirt I pulled on for the gym Saturday morning was a little, ahem, short…  I focused so much of my maternity shopping on the jeans and work clothes I was outgrowing first that I have almost nothing in the comfy clothes category that fits suddenly.  I’ve been scouting around online for workout clothes, but none of the tops really look like something I would sweat in, so I’m sort of at a standstill…

Stretch marks? Not yet.

Sleep: Still no complaints here.

Best moment this week: Kicking off the holiday party season!  Our last one for a while without the need to fight the baby-sitter battle. Enjoying it while we can.
Getting a god start on the registry.  I’m sure I’ll add and change things still, but it feels good to have some decisions made.

Miss Anything? Open bar on a holiday party invite just doesn’t have the same meaning…

What’s Baby Like? According to The Bump, Baby is now the size of a cauliflower.   Baby knows the difference between up and down, is getting bigger, growing more fat, and growing more hair.

Movement: Gradually getting stronger and more frequent in there.  They are also spreading out over a greater area.  For a while it was all on my right side, but Baby must be getting bigger or moving around more (or both) because there is now movement to the middle and occasionally to the left.  Also, Lucky’s Grandma Seger got to feel the kicks for the first time!

Food cravings: At the moment peanut butter.  Even when I’m eating it, I can’t stop thinking about it.  My first real craving!  At least it’s something with protein…

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.

Gender: Surprise for everybody!

Labor Signs: No.

Symptoms: Apparently the calf cramps I wasn’t sure were real or dreamt a couple weeks ago are very, very real.  I woke up late Friday night / very early Saturday morning screaming.  Scared the bejeezus out of poor Alex since for a minute I couldn’t actually communicate what was wrong.  Worst leg cramp I have ever experienced.  It is still sore days later.  I did realize though that both weeks this happened, I was so busy with school obligations that I didn’t work out near as much as I should have been.  And frequent exercise is one of the recommendations for dealing with this.  Good thing my Thursday night class is ending soon, so I can focus a bit more on my real priorities.
Belly Button in or out? Still in.

Wedding rings on or off? Still on but feeling snug at times.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Extreme highs and extreme lows.   Also getting emotional more often than usual.  Something happy?  Cue the tears.  Something sappy?  Cue the tears.  Something cute?  You guessed it – tears.  Anything involving babies or children or delivering babies?  Cue floods of tears.  Truly sad things that normal people would cry about?  Nothing.  Poker face.  I’m weird.  (Unless it is something truly sad or tragic involving a baby or a child. Then I cry like I may never recover.)

Looking forward to: One.  Last.  Thursday night class.  Fan-frigging-tastic.  I feel like next Thursday night I should do something to celebrate my freedom. To be honest, that will probably involve a good workout, a hot bath, and maybe pajamas before 6 pm….

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