Sunday, November 25, 2012

24 Weeks

Sunday, November 25, 2012

How far along? 24 weeks, which doesn’t sound like that much.  But it’s 6 months, which is a whole heck of a lot.  How am I already that pregnant?????

Due Date: March 17th

Total weight gain:  up 1.5 pounds this week, which quite honestly could have been a lot worse given the amount of delicious food that was available…  I think Lucky timed a growth spurt quite efficiently to coincide with Thanksgiving because I have been hungry all the time this week.

Maternity clothes? Yes.  Just a few pajamas and workout clothes from my past life wardrobe still fit.  And those are reaching the end of their usefulness.  I even popped on a pair of maternity jeans Saturday, and they didn’t start falling down my butt until late in the day.  Maybe they’ll fit by the end of this pregnancy…

Stretch marks? Not yet, but I need to get some more of my cream… running low!

Sleep: Still great.  Waking up warm sometimes but the ceiling fan fixes that.

Best moment this week: Enjoying an incredible long weekend with family and friends and spending a few moments just being thankful about how our life is changing…

Miss Anything? Holiday cocktails… Next year…

What’s Baby Like? According to The Bump, Baby is now the size of a cantaloupe!  I would just like to point out how much bigger a cantaloupe is than a grapefruit.  Holy.  Cow.  Guess I was right about that growth spurt.   Baby is between 10.5 and 11.8 inches long and weighs between 12.7 and 20.8 ounces.   It doesn’t sound like there are a whole lot of developmental changes at this point, but baby’s skin is getting pinker and more opaque.

Movement: Gradually getting stronger and more frequent in there.  Still in love with every single poke.  They feel more like little bubbles inside my stomach than anything.

Food cravings: Still no.

Anything making you queasy or sick: No.  (And PS, how awful would that have been, timed with Thanksgiving.  Mommy is very thankful that so far Lucky is such an easy baby!)

Gender: Surprise for everybody!

Labor Signs: No.

Symptoms: Occasional round ligament pain.  Haven’t noticed any Braxton-Hicks contractions this week.  Starting to notice some shortness of breath; however, it doesn’t really affect my everyday life.  I just huff and puff a bit more during a workout.  As usual, nothing much to report here.

Belly Button in or out? It’s still in; although, I really looked at it for the first time this week, and it is definitely less concave than it used to be.  Weird…

Wedding rings on or off? Still on but feeling snug at times.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Pretty happy this week J

Looking forward to: Christmas spirit is now officially in full swing, and everywhere I go I see something that gets me so, so, so excited for next year! Next year we get to take our baby to see Santa Claus, and buy adorable, tiny clothes, and read Christmas stories, and take our baby out driving to look at Christmas lights, and oh my word Christmas must just be a million times better with children.  I know that I need to step back and enjoy this last holiday season without having to coordinate nap schedules, and feedings, and babysitters, and blah blah blah… but still…  SO excited for the holidays next year.

I have also started to realize that this baby is going to come out sometime in the not to distant future, and I will get to hold my baby.  I’m giddy at the thought. 

1 comment:

  1. It makes me giddy just read that you are "giddy". Can't wait but at the same time enjoying the wait!
