Tuesday, November 13, 2012

22 Weeks

Sunday, November 11, 2012
How far along? 22 weeks
Due Date: March 17th
Total weight gain:  up 1.5 pounds this week (again – geez) for a total gain of 13.5

Maternity clothes? More or less, but many still don’t really fit, especially the jeans.  Ugh.  Oh, and I’m sick of most of them already.  Maybe because they don’t really fit. 

Stretch marks? none yet

Sleep: Falling asleep with no problem at all, and sometimes I don’t even have to get up in the middle of the night to pee.  I guess I should enjoy the brief respite while it lasts!

Best moment this week: Feeling my baby move!  And our brief babymoon was exactly what I needed. I think the dark circles are starting to disappear…

Miss Anything? It would have been nice to enjoy a glass of wine and the hot tub in our room this weekend, but it’s all worth it of course.

What’s Baby Like? According to The Bump, Baby is now the size of a papaya.  Baby is between 10.5 and 11.8 inches long and weighs between 12.7 and 20.8 ounces.  Baby is settling into a sleep cycle of 12-14 hours per day (wish I could!).
My midwife measured my belly at my last appointment, and I was measuring about 1 week ‘behind,’ but she said that was still normal since I started out so small.

Movement: Yes, yes, and YES!!!!!!!!!!!  I felt the flutters for the first time at my appointment with my midwife.  At this point, it is nothing more than very localized butterflies in my stomach, but I have felt them a few times again since, so it’s real.  I seem to feel them only at night or when I’ve been resting for a length of time.

Food cravings: No.

Anything making you queasy or sick: No.

Gender: Surprise for everybody!

Labor Signs: No.

Symptoms: The occasional round ligament pain along with very occasional Braxton-Hicks contractions – like one or two a week.  I have also experienced minimal heartburn this week, but that may be due in part to the several dinners and lunches that consisted of leftover chili.  Ahem.
Belly Button in or out? Most definitely in.

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy most of the time but also frequently stressed and overwhelmed.  I think it’s mostly the time of year and things that I have going on in addition to being pregnant.

Looking forward to: Thanksgiving break.  I haven’t had a single day off since school started.  I know, wah wah, but it’s rough when you’re pregnant and trying to fit in all the responsibilities associated with a full time plus job, taking night classes, keeping up a house, going to lots of doctor appointments, and trying to stay healthy for your baby.  There is a lot going on, and I just need life to slow down a little bit.  Breaks from school are the only time I feel like that gets to happen.
It’s also about time to register, and as overwhelming as that whole beast can be, I’m excited to start picking out some real live baby stuff!

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