Friday, December 30, 2011

Lightened Pasta Carbonara

Oh how I love Pasta Carbonara.  At least until I found out what went into it.  Heavy cream.  Butter.  Eggs.  Half a pound of bacon.  Yeah, I haven't been able to eat like that since I stopped competitive swimming.  I might allow myself to order this dish at a restaurant about once a decade.  If that.  I'm not interested in having a heart attack anytime soon.

It was a pretty exciting day a few years ago when I found a Lean Cuisine version of Pasta Carbonara.  It's still one of my favorites when I go for a Lean Cuisine.  At least I know exactly how many calories I'm getting in a given portion.

I was even more excited when I came across this recipe of a lightened version I could try at home.

And plus, I think this bowl was made for serving Pasta Carbonara.

Recipe: (from Sweet Peas and Pumpkins)
8 oz turkey bacon, sliced very thin
2 cloves of garlic, minced
1 pound pasta (I used Barilla Plus spaghetti)
1/2 cup shredded parmesan cheese
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1 cup milk
1 egg
2 egg whites
1 15-ounce can of sweet peas, drained
parsley to garnish
extra cheese for topping

In a large pan cook the bacon until very crisp, adding the garlic at the very end to cook partially.  While the bacon and garlic are cooking, cook the pasta.

Meanwhile, in a large bowl combine cheese, pepper, milk, egg, and egg whites.  Whisk until frothy.

Once the pasta is cooked, drain it and add it to the pan with bacon and garlic. 

Take some of the hot pasta and mix with the egg mixture to bring egg up to temperature before pouring all of the egg mixture into the bacon pan.  Mix well over low heat until the sauce binds to the pasta.  Add sweet peas and fold gently.

While this recipe in no way compares to the real version you'd get an Italian restaurant, the significantly lessened chance of a heart attack more than makes up for a few textural deficiencies.  It is not as creamy as the original but the taste is great.  The peas weren't my favorite part, but they have never been my favorite vegetable.  Alex loves them though so to justify my love of bacon and pasta, I'll live with the addition of a less than lovely green vegetable. 

I enjoyed eating it, and I enjoyed not feeling guilty eating it!

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