Tuesday, January 22, 2013

32 Weeks

Sunday, January 20, 2013
How far along? 32 weeks

 Due Date: March 17th
Total weight gain: Up 1 pound for a total gain of 25.2….

Maternity clothes? Yes.   Although I just may make it in my own winter coats.  My black Guess coat is just barely fitting, and I have one more winter coat that’s been too big for me for a couple of years that I can switch to when the Guess coat won’t button anymore. 

Stretch marks? Maybe, maybe not.  What I thought were stretch marks on my left side seem to have disappeared.   Do stretch marks do that?  It’s hard to get a good visual…

Sleep: Pretty good.  Only three sleepless nights.  One for no good reason.  One because I kept waking up thirsty.  And then, of course, had to pee million times. I still generally only get up once to pee, but this night was a special case for some reason.  And then there was Saturday night with the crazy, strong wind.  I did not sleep a wink.  I was afraid something was going to get shot through our window.  And then I started to worry about what will happen when the baby comes and we have a windy night and where will we put the crib so that it’s safest and maybe we should just make the baby’s room in the basement where there are no windows and… and…. and….  My mind went to some dark places that night.

Best moment this week: Baby’s room is painted!  Pics to come soon once we get most of the furniture in there.

Miss Anything? Tequila.  Random I know.  But it’s what comes to mind.

What’s Baby Like? According to The Bump, Baby is now the size of a squash.  Baby may now be head down.  I can neither confirm nor deny that position.  Other than that, all I’ve got is that Baby may be feeling cramped…  Not a very momentous week.

Movement: Actually seems less active at the moment.  Maybe because of that whole ‘getting cramped’ thing?  Anyway, nothing significantly different here.

Food cravings: Girl Scout cookies.  This is a particularly unfortunate craving for two reasons: I can’t feel quite as good about it as I did about milk or peanut butter and I CAN’T FIND ANY!!!!!  Every other year, I feel like the Girl Scouts are everywhere.  And I feel guilty ignoring them.  This year?   None to be found.  Seriously, can anyone hook a preggo up?
(Side Note: If Girl Scouts and cookie sales are in my future, I am definitely suggesting that the troop stake out local Ob-Gyn offices.  Genius.)

Anything making you queasy or sick: No.  But I do sometimes get to that uncomfortably full stage. Most often around dinner when sometimes I can’t even finish a full piece of fish.

Gender: Had my first really distinct girl dream.  I think it’s just because we’ve finally settled on a girl name, and in the dream, we were calling Baby by that name.  I’m taking it as nothing more than a sign that I really do like the name, which is good because a girl name was tough!  (And, no, we’re not telling.)
Also, in the dream, I was dealing with serious separation anxiety.  I would panic every time Baby was out of my sight, thinking that someone else was letting her roll off the changing table or chew on electrical cords or heaven only knows what else…  Of course, every time I found Baby, she was with Alex, and she was fine.  But I’m pretty sure this is normal as the delivery and possibility of actually not being in the same room at the same time for every single second of my baby’s existence approaches…..  Can I keep the baby in my uterus until he/she is a responsible adult?

Labor Signs: No.

Symptoms: Tired legs and feet.  But my energy in general feels almost normal.  More calf cramps that were pretty severe and left my right feeling sore for a couple of days afterward.  My legs are still a bit restless at night – only when I’m on the couch watching TV, not when I get into bed to actually go to sleep.  No nighttime / early morning hip soreness at all this week. 
Overall, feeling really good still!
Belly Button in or out? Still in but pretty flat.  I feel like it’s been ‘about to pop’ for weeks now!

Wedding rings on or off? Still on but feeling snug when I get really warm – mostly overnight when I’m all cuddled in our down comforter, so I take the rings off to sleep just in case.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Kinda moody / mood swingy… 

Looking forward to: Baby shower next weekend!  Plus, after that, I can officially just buy everything that’s left and start to feel like we are actually ready for Lucky to arrive.

1 comment:

  1. The stretch marks may show little to no signs of being there now, but may appear as you come back to your normal size.
