Thursday, May 24, 2012

Outdoor Diva

While our yard space is currently restricted, we do have a nice little patio with a private fence all around.  It's perfect for our little grill and table with two chairs.  Not much else.  I like to pretty it up when the weather is nice, but I also don't want to spend a ton of money on landscaping that I'll be leaving in 30-some days (30-some days!).

Answer: potted plants

I received two gorgeous pots from my mom as a bridal shower present last year and was able to use them for a couple of months in the fall with some mums.  Then we put them into storage for the winter.... And when I took them out last weekend, one was completely ruined.

Sad face.

I was devastated.  I totally would have gone and bought a new pot (I love them that much), but they were a seasonal item at Crate and Barrel that they did not bring back this year.  :(  On a positive note, the management at our store here was incredibly apologetic and very helpful.  Clearly they couldn't create a new pot out of thin air for me, but they did give me a refund on a gift card.  I looked around the store with Alex for a bit, but there was nothing really striking my fancy...

So we have only one pot of flowers for now.

It's a little lonely, and I'm still sad when I think of my lost, damaged pot, but it's one less thing to move, right?

Hubby's version of helping...  :-P

1 comment:

  1. Nice job Alex! Especially like the snazzy garden gloves and beer cozy:)
