Thursday, August 11, 2011

The First Meal

I've been tossing around the idea of a blog to chronicle this year ever since the decision to move to Cincinnati became final.  Do I expect many people (besides my mom) to read and / or follow?  Nope.  But I think someday I will enjoy looking back on my thoughts during this journey, and I know if I just start a paper and pen journal, I won't keep it up.  Will I post every day?  Doubtful.  But without lessons to plan, papers to grade, and school events to attend I anticipate having more free time than well, ever (and likely more than I will ever have again).  If you're interested in my musings, read on...

After the magical wedding of literally all my dreams and a luxury honeymoon to Sandals, St. Lucia, reality hit hard!  We landed in Detroit, MI at 1:00 am Tuesday, managed to crash into bed by 2:00 am, and were up again by 8:00 am for a long day of packing and the dreaded drive down to Cincinnati, OH...

After almost two weeks of decadent delights (and several fast food stops once we left paradise behind), last night my digestive system was ready for some home-cooked food!  Usually, my mom delivers on this in outstanding fashion, but she is now 4.5 hours away (more whining about that later, I'm sure), so I had to step up to the plate myself.  I have all sorts of fabulous new cookbooks that I actually cannot wait to dive into, but I was pretty exhausted from all the travel and unpacking and laundry and organizing and... You get the idea...  For sanity's sake, I turned to a recipe that I had made for Alex once before when we were dating: salmon with rosemary and tomatoes.   The salmon is drizzled with olive oil; sprinkled with salt, pepper, and rosemary; and tucked into foil packets along with lemon slices and cherry tomatoes.  I'm hungry again just thinking about it!  The cooking time took a bit longer than it should have.  Still getting used to this new oven I guess.  But the end result didn't disappoint - hubby (he he - I had to throw that in) even went back for seconds!

Tucked into their foil packets and ready for the oven.  Can I hear a cheer for easy clean-up?

Careful when opening - steam pours out!

And... I used lots of my new kitchen materials in the process!


  1. Looks better than a stale cheerio and spoonful of peanut butter.

  2. Look! Someone commented! And oh yes, Amy, for those of us that like fish, this definitely beat Cheerios and peanut butter!
